The City Of Hackensack

New H-COP Officers Sworn In to Strengthen Community Policing in Hackensack

The City of Hackensack is proud to announce the swearing-in of twelve new members of the Hackensack Citizen Officer Partnership (H-COP) program during a recent ceremony at the Hackensack Police Department. Mayor John Labrosse had the honor of swearing in the new officers, highlighting the city’s dedication to fostering collaboration between law enforcement and the community.

“Hackensack is stronger and safer when its citizens and law enforcement work hand in hand,” said Mayor Labrosse. “The H-COP program exemplifies the spirit of collaboration that makes our city so unique, and we are incredibly proud of these individuals who have stepped up to serve their community and support our police department.”

The new H-COP officers — Cristian Anton, Jorge Carguaytongo, Joseph Chavarria, Santos Crisferson, Angela Gonzalez, Jamique Graves, Samuel Hall, Perry Reid, Adrian Paulino, Tanya Ramos, Robert Viggiano, and Steven Yoon — have completed rigorous training at the Bergen County Police and Fire Academy. This comprehensive program equips them with essential skills such as de-escalation tactics, crisis intervention, traffic and crowd control, and effective communication.

The H-COP program provides Hackensack with thousands of volunteer service hours annually, enhancing the department’s capacity while strengthening trust and understanding between residents and law enforcement. Volunteer officers serve a minimum of eight hours per month and receive a stipend of up to $1,200 annually for their service.

“The H-COP unit has been a cornerstone of community policing in Hackensack since its inception in 1997,” added Police Chief Michael Antista. “These volunteer officers play a vital role in bridging the gap between law enforcement and the community, and their commitment to public service and safety helps us build a peaceful and thriving city.”

Applications for the H-COP program are accepted year-round, with one academy class held annually. Residents from across New Jersey, aged 18 or older, with a valid driver’s license and a high school diploma or GED equivalent, are encouraged to apply. For more information on the H-COP program, contact Special Captain Mattalian at 201-646-3932 or

Established in 1997, the Hackensack Citizen Officer Partnership (H-COP) program provides volunteer assistance to the Hackensack Police Department while fostering community engagement and understanding. H-COP officers receive extensive training and certification, making them a vital part of Hackensack’s community policing efforts.


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