The City Of Hackensack

Shade Tree

The goal of the City’s Shade Tree Advisory Committee is to beautify the community by encouraging the planting of trees in Hackensack, especially curbside trees. Each year an area of the City is evaluated for a designated tree planting of a variety of 20 trees. 

Since the Committee’s inception in 1989, it has worked to plant over 500 trees in Hackensack. As an honored Tree City USA participant for 29 years, Hackensack celebrates National Arbor Day each year. A listing of the past plantings is available by clicking here

The Committee also accepts donations and estate remembrances to honor loved ones. Please contact us at 201-646-3950 for more information. 

Committee members are appointed by the Mayor & Council for a three-year term.

Effective April 2024, a new community-wide ordinance regulates most tree removals within the City of Hackensack.   If you are considering removing any trees from your property, please review the ordinance at the link below to determine whether you are covered by the Ordinance.  If so, prior to removing your trees you are required to complete and submit the form also linked below so that the City can determine what obligations you have, which may include either replacing the trees on your property or paying the applicable fee into the City’s tree planting and maintenance fund.  If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Public Works. 

Tree Removal Notification Form


Meeting Calendar
Active Board Members

Joshua Cohen (Chairperson)

Margo Cooper

Dana Karwowski

Charles Avallone III

Files & Links