1. First you must check with the city zoning officer to see if the location that you have selected for your business is properly zoned for the type of activity business that you want to locate there. The zoning officer can be reached at the Hackensack Department of Building, Housing and Land Use, 201 646-3919.
2. If your proposed business requires construction or renovation activities, you must submit plans and apply to the Department of Building Housing and Land Use for construction permits.
3. If your business is or contains any of the following: adult day care, barber shop, beauty parlor, child care facility, food establishment (retail, wholesale and pharmacy), hospital, kennel, nail salon, nursing home, pet shop, school, and or a spa or swimming pool that is open to the public or serves a multiple family dwelling, detailed plans and specifications, must be submitted to the Health Department for review and approval before construction can begin. Health Department inspectors can be reached at 201 646-3962.
For detailed plan review instructions concerning food establishments, click here.
If you are purchasing an existing business you need to insure that you have all necessary federal, state and local permissions to operate. Prospective business owners should at a minimum check with the following departments: Building, Housing and Land Use, Fire and Health.
1. Certificate of Occupancy: Prospective business owners should check with the Building Department to determine if it is necessary to apply for a Continuing Certificate of Occupancy.
2. Health Department Licenses: Health Department licenses are not transferable. When a business changes ownership, the new owners must apply and receive approval to operate from the Health Department. Click here for a License Application form. For additional information call 201 646-3962.
3. Other Departments: Check with other departments such as Fire and City Clerk for additional requirements.
4. Proposed program of training for the persons in charge and food employees pertaining to protecting public health and the safety and integrity of food; and
5. Evidence that application has been made to the City of Hackensack’s Department of Building, Housing, and Land Use for a certificate of occupancy or a certificate of continuing occupancy.
Please be advised that all current Health Department Licenses expire on or before March 1, of this year. Kindly fill out and sign the License or Renewal Application and return it together with the appropriate fees payable to the City of Hackensack to this Department on or before March 1 of the current year.
License | Initial | Renewal |
Barber Shops, Beauty or Nail Salons | $150.00 | $50.00 |
Child Care Facilities 6 to 50 Children 51 to 100 Children 101 to 200 Children 201 or more Children | $150.00 $200.00 $400.00 $600.00 | $75.00 $150.00 $250.00 $350.00 |
Hospital Kitchen | $225.00 | $125.00 |
Long Term Care Facility Kitchen | $225.00 | $125.00 |
Milk (per vehicle) | $5.00 | |
Mobile Food Establishment (per vehicle) | $150.00 | $150.00 |
Peddlers – Ice Cream & Ices For Additional Driver | $175.00 $40.00 | |
Pet Shops | $10.00 | |
Pounds, Kennels or Shelters – 10 or fewer animals 11 or more animals | $10.00 $25.00 | |
Refuse Fat & Bone Removal (per vehicle) | $75.00 | |
Restaurants & Cafeterias 1 to 25 Seats 26 to 50 Seats 51 to 100 Seats 101 to 150 Seats 151 to 200 Seats 201 or more Seats | $200.00 $225.00 $300.00 $350.00 $450.00 $550.00 | $100.00 $125.00 $175.00 $225.00 $300.00 $400.00 |
Retail Food Stores | $200.00 | $100.00 |
Supermarkets | $550.00 | $400.00 |
Swimming Pool – Operated by a charitable or religious organization Commercial or private club/community | $175.00 $350.00 | $75.00 $250.00 |
Taverns not serving food | $200.00 | $100.00 |
Temporary Food Establishments | $25.00 | |
Wholesale Food Establishments | $200.00 | $100.00 |
Because health department licenses are not transferable any new owner or operator of a Hackensack food establishment must apply to this department for a new health department license. Applications must include:
1. A written description of the proposed operation will include a menu or list of the types of products proposed for sale, a brief description of the proposed source of raw or other products and methods of preparation and service, distribution, or sale.
2. Evidence that a pre-operational sanitary inspection has been conducted by a representative of this department with satisfactory results. Appointments for Sanitary inspections may be made with the department of sanitary inspectors by Calling Monday through Friday during the following times: 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM; 1:00 PM to1: 30 PM; 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM at (201) 646-3961, 3962 or 3968.
3. A complete License Application (in the red box to the right). The form is also available in this office.
4. The appropriate fee. Checks should be made payable to the City of Hackensack.
5. Proposed program of training for the persons in charge and food employees pertaining to protecting public health and the safety and integrity of food; and
6. Evidence that application has been made to the City of Hackensack’s Department of Building, Housing and Land Use for a certificate of occupancy or a certificate of continuing occupancy.
1. Certificate of Occupancy: Prospective business owners should check with the Building Department to determine if it is necessary to apply for a Continuing Certificate of Occupancy.
2. Health Department Licenses: Health Department licenses are not transferable. When a business changes ownership, the new owners must apply and receive approval to operate from the Health Department. Click here for a License Application form. For additional information call 201 646-3962.
3. Other Departments: Check with other departments such as Fire and City Clerk for additional requirements.
4. Proposed program of training for the persons in charge and food employees pertaining to protecting public health and the safety and integrity of food; and
5. Evidence that application has been made to the City of Hackensack’s Department of Building, Housing, and Land Use for a certificate of occupancy or a certificate of continuing occupancy.
The Hackensack Regional Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1933 and has been serving the community for over 70 years. Our office is located in Hackensack, the County Seat, making this Chamber the ideal location to support businesses and community interests throughout the county. The Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary group of business and professional people who work together to ensure a healthy economic base to benefit the entire community. It harnesses the tremendous potential of the private enterprise system and enables its membership to accomplish collectively what no one can do individually.
The Hackenack Business Alliance is a public/private partnership formed as an alliance between the business community and the City of Hackensack. The mission of the MSBA is to address the issues facing the business community with the goal of improving the local economy and the overall business climate in Hackensack.
The MSBA management organization is governed by an 11 member Board of Directors comprised of commercial property owners and business owners, who are elected by the members of the district, along with liaisons from the Hackensack Chamber of Commerce, the YMCA, the Johnson Public Library, and the City Council. The MSBA is supported by a full time staff.
The Hackensack Main Street Business Alliance, created in January 2004, will focus on issues including:
Board members and other volunteers work on the above issues within an organizational structure of committees. The committees will work on projects such as improving the street retail environment, marketing the district through the creation of a business directory, web site, investor’s marketing kit, and will publish quarterly newsletters. There is no criteria in order to become an active participant in the MSBA’s activities. Residents, civic leaders, and business proprietors can all contribute to the revitalization effort. New volunteers are always welcome.
The Hackensack Main Street Business Alliance extends along Main Street from Atlantic Street to Clinton Place. There are 153 commercial properties and over 375 businesses within the district. The diversity of the district’s business mix adds to the MSBA’s marketing position. All of the programs and projects of the MSBA are supported through an annual budget of approximately $360,000.00 generated through a special assessment on commercial properties located within the MSBA district.